Healthstyle Blog Are You Over 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 or More? – Health Style Blog

Are You Over 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 or More?

If only I felt like me again, or could just fit into my clothes!

Sound like you? You are not alone. Everything Changed for Me Once I Turned 50. As I turned 50, I began counting down the days left to me. I also realized that I had fewer ahead than behind me. This prompted me to pray: “Let me not die before I am still alive.”

As we get older, some things become more apparent. Priorities and goals change. Our lives also change. I became more and more concerned with living a physically active, independent, full life. People around me were breaking down. Because he couldn’t do anything, my father had lost the will to live. This opened my eyes.

The question was not anymore about how I looked. What can I do? That was and is the question. How long can I “play” with my children? Can I still travel with my kids? Can I still travel? Can I still learn new things? As soon as I realized that I was in need of full-body strength as quickly as I could, I acted!

Strength has an important purpose. It allows you to help others in times of need, age gracefully, and become the best version possible.

Don’t get me wrong. Never have I been a gym-rat. After 10 years in the fitness industry, I have learned that it is not necessary to spend all your time in the gym in order to stay fit and strong.

You want a body you can use well into your nineties, and that won’t stop you doing what you enjoy, like playing tennis or golf, taking mountain tours or biking, or spending time with your children or grandchildren.

We can achieve that ideal body if we follow the right steps. The key is to do it right. The difference between decay and aging is

Do the three CORE things to ensure that your body won’t give up on you. Eat correctly, challenge your brain and body in the right way, and recuperate adequately.

We do that. Our goal is to create strong and functional bodies that are healthy so we will be independent. This is what I refer to as “Functional longevity.”


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