Healthstyle Blog COVID-19: Myths Vs Facts – Health Style Blog

COVID-19: Myths Vs Facts

It is becoming increasingly clear that people in positions of influence and power have risked lives for petty political gain, putting not only the notion of leadership at risk, but also democracy. The truth was tactically misinterpreted by top leaders to convince innocent people to ignore COVID-19. As skeletons continue to tumble out of closets and millions of bodies are being buried, the people of America realize the grave chaos they unknowingly caused.

The pandemic is scary, but using it to get political mileage or hold the country hostage was the tipping point. The race for uncontested power has cost millions of lives, but also compromised the safety of first-line response teams and healthcare workers. Their bravery was not recognized. It won’t be long before such an abominable example becomes the standard of today, and the people begin to lose faith in humanity and goodness.

We have therefore decided, in order to expose and bust lies and myths about COVID-19, to create a segment called COVID-19 Myths vs Facts. In this segment we will discuss the most popular Myths that are circulating on social media, and then dissect them to determine their authenticity, before finally giving you the facts.

Myth : Direct sunlight or direct sun rays can destroy COVID 19.

COVID19 germs of disease are microscopic organisms, or viruses. They require healthy hosts to live. When the body of the host is in good health, COVID19 stays dormant without causing any negative effects on your health. If the person is in a crowded area or moving around freely, they can spread the disease to other people. The weather has a very small role in the birth of COVID-19 disease germs. When it is cold, COVID bacteria are more active in searching for an appropriate host to escape the harsh conditions.

Fact: The COVID-19 virus is at its best in hot weather, freely swarming around the air looking for an appropriate host to attack. Infected people or dormant carriers of COVID-19 will spread the germs and encourage the virus’ growth in favorable conditions. In public places, wearing face masks or using hand sanitizers is highly effective at controlling and limiting the movement of this virus.


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