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Psoriasis and Naturopathic Treatment Options

Many of us are familiar with psoriasis. However, we may not fully understand the condition.

The skin condition psoriasis causes red, scaly spots to appear. Usually, patches start out whitish or silvery and then develop into reddish patches.

Psoriasis is a condition that is currently unknown. It is believed to be caused by a combination between the immune system and genes. It is usually something that triggers an immune “flare”, or overactivity, such as inflammation.

The psoriasis is caused by an immune-mediated reaction which causes skin cells to grow rapidly. The abnormally rapid production of skin cell causes the buildup of lesions or plaques because skin is unable to remove them as quickly as they grow.

The condition is most common on the scalp and outside of elbows. However, it can also occur anywhere else. The appearance and feel of nails can be affected by psoriasis.

Psoriasis comes in many different forms:

  • The most common form of plaque is red, inflamed patches.
  • It is more common to see guttate in children after a strep throat infection. The small, pink areas aren’t as red and raised like plaque psoriasis.
  • This condition is characterized by large, red areas with a lot of inflammation and white pus-filled blisters. This is usually found on the hands, feet and other smaller parts of the body.
  • The red, shiny, inflamed skin areas are usually found in armpits or under the breasts.
  • Erythrodermic can be severe and rate. Skin appears to be sunburnt. The skin can slough in huge sheets, covering large areas of the body. It is common to see this during illnesses and it can even be fatal.

Many external factors can trigger a flare-up or worsening of psoriasis. Stress, alcohol abuse, side effects of medications, injuries, and infections are the most common external triggers.

A certain percentage of psoriatic patients will develop psoriatic arthritic disease. Psoriasis patients are at risk for other diseases such as diabetes, Crohn’s, Kidney Disease, Heart Disease, and Hypertension.

Many treatment options are available. Most people start by taking biologics and other immune-suppressing drugs in order to reduce the inflammation. You Naturopathic doctor may guide you with lifestyle changes, immune support or other low force treatments like low dose naltrexone to lower immune response.

  • It is important to avoid inflammatory triggers. Speak to your Naturopathic physician about testing for food allergies. It’s possible you don’t even know that your food allergy is causing inflammation.
  • A diet that is anti-inflammatory should be free from refined sugars, dairy, processed food, meats with fatty acids, and alcohol. Include Omega-3 fatty acid and turmeric to help reduce inflammation.
  • Meditation, yoga or breathing exercises can help reduce stress. You can get adrenal support from your Naturopathic Doctor to help you support the body’s response to stress.
  • Getting good restorative sleep. Sleeping well is important for healing. If you don’t sleep well, your body may not heal well. This could cause increased psoriasis symptoms or difficulty in getting the condition to calm down.

Treatment of psoriasis usually involves a variety of options and is not limited to one. It is important to be under the care of a Naturopathic Doctor and Rheumatologist who are experienced in treating psoriasis.


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