Healthstyle Blog 10 Best Natural Supplements for Hair Loss – Health Style Blog

10 Best Natural Supplements for Hair Loss

There are many DIY natural treatments that you can do at home. ExpressMedRefills understands how vital it is for our customers to feel good about themselves. We’ll look at 10 vitamins and supplements that can help improve hair.

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A (also known as retinol) is essential for the health and appearance of hair. Vitamin A-rich products protect and strengthen hair. Healthline states that “all cells require vitamin A to grow.” Hair is the fastest-growing tissue on the body. Vitamin A helps the skin glands produce an oily substance known as sebum. Sebum helps to keep the hair and scalp healthy. Vitamin A deficiency can cause hair problems.

Buy vitamin A individually or as part of a multivitamin. It is naturally found in fish, meat and other organs.

2. Protein

Protein is also essential for the growth of your hair, just like Vitamin A. Protein is essential for the growth of many parts of the body including muscle and skin. According to Web MD “Protein helps to promote hair growth and strengthen the hair.” Two to three servings (3 ounces) of meat, or four to five portions of beans and dairy are recommended each day.

Drinking protein shakes or adding more meat, poultry, and fish to your diet will help you consume more. You can also get protein from nuts, seeds and soy.

3. Collagen

Collagen provides your hair the amino acids needed to make keratin. Keratin, a type of protein that makes up hair, can be consumed. Although collagen can be consumed orally, it is usually applied topically as a hair mask, cream, treatment, shampoo, and/or specialty shampoo.

Collagen protects your skin, and it does the same thing for hair. Hair is able to stretch and bounce with collagen, reducing breakage.

4. Iron

Hair loss is common in iron deficient people. Iron is necessary for the production of healthy hair because it supports hemoglobin. According to Dr. Gray, a writer for Women’s Day: “Korean Researchers found that adequate iron intake can combat hair loss among women… Iron helps to form red blood cells and oxygen to nourish the hair.”

You can take iron as a vitamin supplement or consume it through pumpkin seeds, tofu firm, dried apricots, and other foods.

5. Biotin

Biotin, a B-vitamin is also important for healthy hair. Biotin is essential for healthy hair, strong nails, and a healthy body. Wilma B. Bergeld, MD a dermatologist who writes for Cleveland Clinic, says, “We have found biotin very beneficial for hair problems.” Biotin also thickens nails, and is safe to take in high doses.

Biotin can be obtained as a supplement from an online doctor or by consuming more sweet potatoes, spinach and eggs.

6. Folic Acid

Pregnant women are often given folic acid to aid in the growth of their babies. Folic acid is also important for healthy skin, hair, nails, and fingernails. Treatments for hair growth that are rich in folic acids can increase thickness, strength, and softness.

The folic acid promotes healthy blood cells, which is necessary for healthy and strong hair. Beans, rice, pasta and other natural sources of folic acids are available.

7. Zinc

A thicker hairstyle is usually preceded by hair repair. Hair follicles that are more capable of repairing themselves have better chances to grow naturally. Zinc regulates the oil on your scalp. It reduces flaky hair and dandruff.

Zinc will help to repair your hair and increase hair growth almost instantly if you have a zinc-deficiency. Oral supplements or eating shellfish, whole grains and legumes are good ways to get zinc.

8. Gingko Biloba

Gingko Biloba has been known to possess several properties that are beneficial for your health. Some of these increase circulation, while others feed the follicles with important nutrients. Many factors, including age and hormonal issues, can cause hair loss. Gingko supplements are effective in decreasing hair loss and thinness while increasing the thickness of your hair.

9. Horsetail

In capsule form, horsetail is used to treat hair thinning. Lack of nutrition can cause thinning hair. Horsetail can help your hair get the nutrition it needs. The horsetail helps your scalp and hair follicles to absorb the vitamins and nutrients you give them.

Horsetail is a great way to reduce dryness and oiliness, as well as redness. Horsetail can be used to treat hair loss. Some people dilute it in water, then spray directly onto their hair. Horsetail is a powerful remedy for hair loss and thinness.

10. Rosemary

The oil can be applied topically to the scalp. According to some studies, rosemary oil is as effective as prescription medications like minoxidil. As with other essential oils it can feel a little intense when applied directly to the skin. Many users prefer to mix rosemary oil with olive or coconut oils before spraying on the scalp.

The oil can also be used as a hair mask. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. If the oil is still too thick to wear, repeat this process.

Most hair loss treatment are most effective when done at night. Contact ExpressMedRefills to learn more about online prescriptions from doctors for alternative and natural treatments like Propecia.


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