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Find A CrossFit Mentor

Your CrossFit routines have become stagnant, and are your fitness goals becoming a blurry? You may feel that you’re not the CrossFit Warrior you envisioned.

I will show you the way to ignite your fire and make sure that all of your goals are clear and precise. The workouts are addictive, but results may not be as dramatic as you would hope.

This is a mind-ninja exercise bordering on stalking. It does not have the creepiness and legal problems that usually accompany this kind of behavior. The target can get all of these things without even knowing it. They would probably not care if you told them. They might be even flattered that you chose them as your mentor. It is an easy way to improve your training and see the light at end of tunnel.

You can start by scanning your CrossFit box for someone you admire or want to emulate. It could even be someone that you hate because you’re so jealous! You should be able to see yourself in them. Find out as much as you can about the person. The more you know about someone, the less likely you are to want to emulate them.

Copy the person who has the personality and workout you want to imitate. Imagine them as your personal role model or mentor. They don’t need to even know that you exist. If they do not know you yet, chances are they will in the future. Like attracts like.

Want more endurance? Want to keep weight off and lose it? You want to have the best possible body. Choose a gym member who not only has achieved what you want, but keeps the program going with dignity and class. Someone who is in shape or loses weight, is one thing, but is a jerk in the gym? Choose the person that best represents your goal.

You should choose someone who has the same habits as you. You will learn that these people have overcome obstacles to achieve their goals. Most likely, they were not different from you. They love sharing their stories.

Start with an end goal in mind. Let this vision become your focus. Keep an eye on your CrossFit “mentor”. Watch how your “CrossFit mentor” lives and try to emulate them, adding a twist of course. Do not reinvent the wheel! You should never lose sight of the person you want to be or your ideal athlete.

You can build your future by following the daily habits of someone you admire. It is not enough to say, “I’ll exercise and eat the same as them once I reach their fitness level.” Before you can become that person, you must act like them. Live as if you have already achieved your goal. You will be amazed at how easily your brain can trick you into believing that you already are the person you want to become, before even becoming that person. Most habits become real in no time. You have the habits that brought you to where you are today. You don’t need these habits to be the person that you want! Imagine what your life will be like in the future if you do not change these habits.

Find the CrossFitter you want to be and then copy him or her. That’s it!


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