Healthstyle Blog Androgenetic Alopecia: Here Is How You Can Reduce Your Hair Loss – Health Style Blog

Androgenetic Alopecia: Here Is How You Can Reduce Your Hair Loss

Men who suffer from genetic hair loss are said to have androgenetic Alopecia. This condition is becoming more common. The hair on your scalp will thin out over time if you suffer from this condition. You may become bald if you do nothing about hair loss. If you’re lucky, the hair may grow again. If the hair roots are compromised, then new hair will not grow in that area. This problem can affect women, although they do not lose their entire hair. Learn more about the condition, and what you can do to deal with it.

This problem can be attributed to testosterone or dihydrotestosterone, the hormone that is responsible for male sexuality. Remember that androgenetic baldness is not a condition, but rather a natural process. Some young men are fine with a balding head. Others, however, find it odd. Men don’t like to see their hair fall out at an early age. They try to solve this problem by searching for alternative solutions.

Hair Growth Cycle

Hair goes through an exact life cycle. It usually involves three stages called transition, growth and resting. In the phase of growth, hair follicles are most visible. When your hair stop metabolizing, it starts to fall out. This is a normal process.

Even at the final stage, the follicles continue to function. The follicles don’t die but produce hair that is thin and too short. You can barely even see them. As time passes, the connective tissues close off the growth shaft of the hair. As far as the pharmacological treatments are concerned, this phase cannot be reversed.

Common causes of Hereditary Alopecia

The “high” level of sensitivity in your hair follicles is one of the main causes of genetic loss. The hair follicles on your scalp are very sensitive to androgens. Dihydrotestosterone plays a major role. Androgens are male hormones. Dihydrotestosterone can cause hair to grow on the body. It can cause a balding head. It’s not a hormone disorder.

What drug can treat Alopecia men?

Propecia has been used to treat alopecia for many years. Propecia contains finasteride, an active ingredient that helps to treat male alopecia. This ingredient works to lower dihydrotestosterone by preventing the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. We recommend that, before using this product, you speak to your doctor about whether you suffer from a type of hair thinning that is treatable with the drug.

The primary cause of the androgenetic hair loss is dihydrotestosterone. The active ingredient in the drug mentioned can therefore curb enzymes which convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. You will stop hair loss if you use the medication. You may see hair growing by 10%.

Experts say that Propecia can be quite effective in combating hair loss. After about 3 months, if taken regularly, you will start to see the results. Propecia won’t work if your hair was lost a while ago. The drug helps to eliminate the root causes of the problem. The drug also acts as a maintenance therapy, and can help control hair fall. The effect is permanent if used consistently. If you stop taking these pills, your problem will return.

This remedy can help you stop hair loss or slow it down. The drug can be purchased over the counter. You don’t require a prescription in order to purchase it from your local pharmacy or online.

A study conducted over five years found that 70% of participants who took 1 mg daily experienced a regrowth of hair. Participants who did not take the pill continued to experience hair loss. Half of participants saw hair grow, while the other half stopped losing hair.

What are the Pills that you can take?

The pills are a pharmaceutical and can be taken to stop hair loss. Experts recommend that the pills be taken daily at a dose of 1 mg. If you’ve lost your entire head of hair, no therapy will work.

The drug is easily tolerable by most people and its effects in your body are reduced 50% within 6-8 hours. If you discontinue taking the pill, your hair loss will return within six months.

Propecia is effective in 85% cases. Some minor side effects can also occur. Below are some common side effects you need to be aware of.

  • Thoracic Pain
  • Ejaculation disorders
  • Reduced sexual desire
  • The Itching
  • Exanthema
  • Lips and Face Inflammation
  • Pain in the testicle

In some instances, the medication can also cause birth defects. We suggest you avoid taking these pills if you’re pregnant. The researchers are not certain if the pills can affect breast milk. Hair loss may be a normal process but not every man is happy with it.

You can now find many drugs which help to block the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Once you have eliminated the cause of hair loss you can expect to see your hair stop falling and experience healthy growth. Finasteride, although there are many drugs available to choose from, is one of the best.

We recommend that, as a precautionary step, you speak to your doctor prior to taking these pills. This is because a change in hormone levels can also cause side effects. The chances of experiencing side effects is very low. The most common side effect of dihydrotestosterone is reduced sexual desire. This happens because it affects your libido. Not all users will experience side effects. There is no need to be concerned.

Finasteride is a great alternative to other ointments and sprays. You only need to take one tablet per week. For best results, you should take no more than 1.5 mg finasteride.

This was the description of an everyday drug used to treat hair loss. We suggest you take the drug daily and consult with your doctor if you are experiencing rapid hair fall.


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