Healthstyle Blog A Guide on How to Prevent Hair Loss – Health Style Blog

A Guide on How to Prevent Hair Loss

Men and women alike are anxious about losing their hair or going bald. Alopecia is another name for hair loss. It refers to a condition where you lose your hair on a part of your body, usually the head. Here is how you can prevent hair loss.

What causes hair loss?

It’s important to understand the causes of alopecia before trying to treat it.

Alopecia is a complex condition that can have a variety of causes.

Infection– Alopecia can be caused by infections like Folliculitis (a bacterial infection), Tinea Captiis(a fungus infection), secondary Syphilis, and a microscopically tiny mite called Demodex Folliculorum that feeds off essential nutrients to the hair and causes thinning.

Drugs Medical researchers have connected temporary or permanent loss of hair to a number medications. Researchers have linked hair loss to medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Alopecia is also exacerbated by medications that alter the hormone balance in the body. Steroids, acne medication, and hormone replacement therapy are all medications that can affect the hormonal balance of the body.

Pregnancy — During pregnancy there is an increased amount of estrogen in the blood. The hair thickens due to this increase in estrogen. The circulating levels of estrogen return to normal after delivery and hair loss occurs. The hair usually grows back normal and no treatment is required.

Genetics– The genetics of male pattern alopecia is known.

Trauma Any type of trauma may cause alopecia.

Hair loss can be caused by traumatizing events, such as major surgeries or poisoning. Telogen effluvium is the name of this condition. A second form of trauma involves the pulling of the hairs and the bending. This results in a type of hair loss called Trichotillomania.

Some cancers are treated with radiotherapy on the head. The radiation may cause permanent hair loss and baldness.

Ageing– The body loses its ability to replenish itself with age, and it is not unusual for thinning or alopecia to occur.

How can hair loss be prevented?

Alopecia is preventable in a variety of ways. It is essential to understand the causes of alopecia. Use this information as a guide in order to avoid alopecia.

It is important to consult your doctor as soon you notice any signs or symptoms that could indicate an infection. If you treat the infection as soon as possible, your chances of becoming bald are reduced.

Be aware of medications that are used to treat diabetes, hypertension, and other conditions. Stay with FDA-approved drugs.

You can prevent hair loss by protecting it from damage that could lead to it. Styles that stress out the hairline can lead to alopecia.

It is also important that you be aware of what shampoos, relaxers or bleachers are used. Hair products that promote hair growth are best.

A diet that is well balanced can also help prevent alopecia.


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