Healthstyle Blog Un-Addict Yourself to Fear – Health Style Blog

Un-Addict Yourself to Fear

What is the addiction to fear? Who, me?”

You may think that. Who wants to admit that they’re addicted to fear? It can happen. Most people don’t even realize they are addicted to it.

Your body will increase adrenaline production when you feel fear. Normaly, the fear will dissipate within a few minutes and adrenaline levels return to normal. When you are constantly in fear, your adrenaline levels remain high. This becomes a habit for the body, and leads to addiction.

Here’s what you need to know. Stasis is a built-in safety mechanism in your body. This means that the level at which your organs are operating the most of the time, is the standard intelligence for your body. If you’re operating with a lot of adrenaline, then your body will think that is normal. It doesn’t mind being stressed all the time. If you experience a life change and the amount of adrenaline in your system is decreased, your body sends a signal to your brain to produce something to increase adrenaline to an acceptable level. You can learn more in Joe Dispenza’s book Evolve your Brain. You will know you are addicted when your stress and fear levels increase.

What are the signs that you may be addicted to fear and how can you tell? You are probably addicted if you answered “yes” in any of the following questions. Do you:

1. Do you feel that it is necessary to view the TV news every day at least?

2. Why choose action movies and adventure films over romance and comedy movies?

3. Do you have a job that is stressful or do you dislike it?

4. How can you live paycheck to paycheck?

5. Do you suffer from a disease or illness that is related to stress, like high blood pressure or chronic digestion problems?

6. Do you find yourself thinking about and discussing negative and dramatic events most of the time?

7. Do you have friends that are high-maintenance, like drama queens or needy people in general?

What can you do, then, to prevent your body from leading you towards fearful situations in order to satisfy its adrenaline/fear addiction? These are some tips to help you:

1. Stop watching TV news! It is not necessary to be aware of all that’s going on around the world. Most of these things are frightening, but you can do nothing about them. This only increases your frustration and fear. Stop reading newspapers or listening to the news. This is the number one source of fear in our society today. When was the last happy headline you saw on the front of a paper or TV news?

2. Replace: Watch funny, happy movies on DVD or TV. Funny books to read Listen to calming music

3. Switch on: Change your inner thoughts to what you find pleasing, beautiful or comforting.

4. It’s a very effective technique. Imagine whatever it is that makes you afraid. Imagine it getting smaller, until you can no longer see it. Then, imagine something which makes you feel comfortable, relaxed, and at ease. It should fill your entire vision.

5. As you experience fear, the breathing will become shallow. This sets off all of your fear reactions. Take a deep breath, and fill your lungs up from the bottom. As you breathe, your stomach should expand. You are shallowly breathing if your shoulders raise when you breath. Slowly exhale. Repeat the exercise at least twice more. Note to women: If you wear a bra, you will not be able to breathe deeply. You may need to do this exercise harder or remove your bra.

6. Epsom salts can be added to your warm bathwater to remove chemical toxins from the body, including the stress hormone cortisol. You can relax by adding a few drops essential oils such as lavender. While you are soaking, read a humorous or inspirational book. You can also listen to soothing music.

7. You know I’m right. You’re meant to keep 6 feet away from people. You must have someone you can hug. Human touch is essential to our survival.

8. Outside: get in touch with the nature. You can go barefoot in the grass of your garden or on the sand by the sea. To touch a tree. Put your hands into the soil. Face the sun. Turn your face towards the sun if it is raining. (It’s a delicious feeling!)

9. Learn how to meditate if you do not know. No class is necessary. You can buy CDs or DVDs. Qi Qong is an alternative to sitting still.

10. __________________. What can you do to reduce your stress and fear? Do it.


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